On Friday last, as I was driving into town, I listened to an interview with David Gray. I didn't know anything of him before, but I really liked his down-to-earthness. This is a perfect seguay between yesterday's post and today. I spoke about how much the garden is an integral part of my work, but if you think about it, the vocabulary of day to day life often relates to the earth. Think about it: expressions like 'digging down', 'earthy personality', pithy argument, growing up, growing down (I like that one), being rooted, and so many more.
But the words that resonated with me was when he referred to the different style of the music of his new album, 'Draw the Line'. I don't remember his exact quote (I was driving at the time, so I couldn't note it down), but in order to make a sea change, bringing an innovative quality to his music, he had to break away from what was familiar... the terms he used was digging up the earth, turning over the soil, changing the décor with the idea of breaking the patterns of the past to see and feel something new and therefore create a new voice in his music.
He also left me with t

he feeling that he was a man without pretention, despite his professional success. He has kept a focus on what he feels sincerely. He seems authentic, and 'down to earth'.
Oh, and the primroses by the front step were just beautiful this morning......sitting there, enjoying the sun. I had transplanted them just last summer from another part of the garden. They have doubled in size. Talk about digging up roots and changing environments and how this encourages a new flowering.